September 15, 2023

This time of year at church is a flurry of jumping back into old routines and creating new things. New liturgies over our standard two services, Sunday Club and Sunday Conversations ramping up again, lots of plans for fun gatherings as a community, gatherings with the wider Episcopal church in the forms of our Fall EMMA meeting and the ECMN Convention, looking ahead to what this Advent and Christmas will look like. Believe it or not, we're already talking Christmas Pageant.🎄

It's wonderful, but after a slower-paced summer where we spent much of our time together in the sunshine and under the trees, it feels a little bit like I'm stepping onto a treadmill going just one level too high. I'm keeping up, but barely. Luckily for me, I'm not trying to keep up alone. A good portion of the flurry of activity is coming from your Vestry, and from Tony, Naomi, Kathy, RaeKell, and so many, doing so much.

I am so looking forward to all that is to come and I am doing my best to hold onto some of the lessons our Creator offers in the summer sunshine, some of the whispers of Spirit blowing through the trees. I am doing my best to take care of all there is to do at a pace that allows me to appreciate the gift of it all. Some days, some weeks, do fly by in a blink, but I'm trying.

My prayer for you this week is that your treadmill is moving at just the right pace for you, and that there is still time to notice the scenery around you. My prayer for you this week is for some of the Holy Wisdom offered to us so freely in the gifts of summer to find a permanent place in your heart.


September 22, 2023


Sept 8, 2023