September 22, 2023

Seeing the Northern Lights has been a long-time dream of mine. A few years ago I decided that wanting to see them and trying to see them are two different things, and so I decided to try.

Trying is not that easy. I have several apps on my phone which offer forecasts, but the technical aspects of the forecasts are sometimes difficult to discern. Luckily, there are several online groups for "Aurora Hunters" in our area. These groups include some people who are very good at interpreting the data and always happy to share. Community is a good thing.

Keeping track of conditions is just the first step, however. Favorable forecasts don't often show up with much warning, so a willingness to be spontaneous is another part of the trying process. And of course, it needs to be quite dark outside for the lights to be visible: midnight would be the earliest during the summer months. This means there have been some late nights and some corresponding tired mornings. My husband is a good sport.

Next is putting ourselves out there. Literally. During favorable conditions, the best opportunity to see the lights in our part of the world is to get away from the light pollution of the Twin Cities. An hour or more north is the bare minimum. Then the trick is to find a safe area off the road, facing north to an open horizon (no woods). And then it's time to wait. And wait. And wait. Most of the time nothing is visible, so the waiting is the entire adventure before we turn around and drive home. Did I mention that my husband is a good sport?!

This week we were blessed with a glimpse. Not the spectacular dancing colors we're chasing, but a glimpse nonetheless. I'm not satisfied, and I'm not done chasing these lights, but I am in even deeper awe, and inspired anew by the connection to something greater, more majestic, and more peaceful than we humans, and the by mystery of it all.

My prayer for you this week is for a glimpse of something that fills you with awe. Something that feels mysterious and majestic; hopeful and holy. My prayer for you this week is that you'll put yourself out there a bit looking for this glimpse of the Holy, because it will be all the more sacred for the sacrifice. My prayer is that you'll find deep peace in your glimpse of the Holy. My prayer is for your glimpse of the Holy to be in wild technicolor.


October 6, 2023


September 15, 2023