Sept 8, 2023

As many of you are probably aware, well-known musician Jimmy Buffett died about a week ago. His music spanned decades, and spanned genres from calypso to pop to country to folk. He was well known for his lyrical storytelling and celebrating the "island life": sunshine, sailing, the sand and the water, family and friends. Though I can't claim the honor of being a "Parrothead", as Jimmy's most dedicated fans are known, I did see him in concert several times, and his XM radio station has been a long-time favorite preset in my car.

One of my favorite Jimmy Buffett songs is called One Particular Harbor. It's a lovely song about finding peace in a busy world; finding a place you can truly feel your soul is at home. After last week's final outdoor service of the summer, Carrie Eagles sent me a photo of some of our younger Saint Annians enjoying time together, and as I looked at the sweet photo, a stanza from One Particular Harbor came to mind:

And there's that one particular harbor

Sheltered from the wind

Where the children play on the shore each day

And all are safe within

It brings me deep joy to imagine Saint Anne's as that "one particular harbor" for our youngest Saint Annians; a place where their souls feel both safe and joyful. It is my deep hope that all who come to Saint Anne's feel that way about our space and about our community. My prayer for you this week is that Saint Anne's can be one particular harbor for you, too, no matter who you are.


September 15, 2023
