Our air conditioning unit at my home has been out all summer. Now, before you feel too sorry for me, I need to confess that it is largely our own doing. When it went out in late June, we didn't exactly jump to fix it. First, our family all tolerates heat very well; I personally would rather be warm than cool any day. More significantly, my husband and I are also both pretty convinced that anything can become a DYI project with YouTube and a little time. So we waited.

Strangely, that thing called "time" never materialized, and before we knew it, the first true heat wave of the summer was on us. At that point, repair people were booked, and so we rode it out with fans. After the first heat wave subsided, we kept meaning to get to work on the air conditioner, but our home was comfortable, our weeks were busy, and before we could blink the next heat wave arrived... lather, rinse, repeat.

Finally, this week, with heat indexes above 100 degrees and the humidity sky high, my husband called the person we've worked with on occasion for heating and cooling issues we couldn't resolve. Knowing my husband's propensity for DYI, the repair person offered to walk him through a few possibilities over the phone.

First up: "I assume you've checked the circuit breaker."

The circuit breaker. Uhhh, no. We had checked the cooling unit itself, we'd checked various parts that are known to break most easily, we'd checked on some HVAC things, but it hadn't occurred to us to check the circuit breaker.

My husband went downstairs and with one small FLIP! our air conditioner whirled on again. It felt like a miracle. And completely ridiculous. We've been laughing about it for days.

My prayer for you this week is for miracles to be at your fingertips. My prayer is for solutions to problems to be more simple than you could have imagined. My prayer for you this week is for a sense of humor through it all. There are truly times I believe God laughs with us.


Sept 8, 2023


August 18, 2023