August 18, 2023

I recently attended a non-church meeting where the small group gathered had a difficult decision to make. Anxiety was a bit high as people pulled their chairs around the table. "Let's begin," the convener said, and I immediately bowed my head. Except, oops, it was a non-church meeting and a non-church group of people, and I was the only one at the table who heard, "Let's begin" and instinctively thought we would begin with prayer.

The meeting went well. I missed the prayer.

It is easier to describe what prayer is not. Prayer is not magic. Prayer is not a deal we make with God. Prayer is not a device we can use to manipulate our preferred outcome. What prayer can do, however, is change the heart and mind of the one praying. When we pray, we remind ourselves that we are not alone. We remind ourselves that we do not have control over most outcomes in life. We remind ourselves to focus on what matters, or to live into our best selves, or to find the strength we might need in that moment.

When we pray, we become more aware of the presence of Spirit and more connected to God, and to the angels and archangels and all the company of heaven. We become connected to the needs of others and our role in serving those needs. When we pray, we become more.

Prayer is not magic, but it can change us.

The disciples said to Jesus, "Teach us to pray.” My prayer this week is that you find meaning in the learning, the practicing, and in the praying itself. My prayer this week is for your prayers this week.



August 11, 2023