August 11, 2023

We have been watching my oldest son's dog, Florence (nn Flory), for a few days while my son is out of town. She is a French Bulldog rescue, so not a large dog, and very sweet. She does, however, make her presence very known.

Flory's background is such that she is has some anxiety (a lot of anxiety) around being alone, and she has decided that while she's staying with us, I am going to be her person. So by making her presence known, not wanting to be alone, and choosing me as her person, I mean she wants to be RIGHT BY MY SIDE every minute of the day. And night. And she isn't afraid to howl to let me know when she's wanting more attention. There has been a lot of howling.

It is no small responsibility, to serve as someone's (or somedog's) security blanket. I can't begin to count how many times I've tripped in the kitchen because Flory is standing right behind me. My laptop can no longer rest on my lap, since Flory has claimed that territory. I feel guilty when I leave for church or to go meet someone. And when she needs to do her business early in the morning, guess who she chooses to wake up?

It's also a sweet honor, to be her chosen person this week, and I am doing my best to live up to it; to give her the care and reassurance she needs while her true parents are away. Flory reminds me of the power we each have to either cause others feel alone, or to help them feel loved. To feel ignored or seen. She reminds me that making time for compassion and care makes all the difference. She reminds me that waking up just before the sunrise means being awake for a miracle every morning.

My prayer for you this week is to encounter a situation that inspires use your power for good. To be given the opportunity to take care of the needs of others. To be able to make time for compassion. And to watch a sunrise or two and take in the miracles that are all around us.


August 18, 2023


August 4, 2023