December 2, 2022

Dear Ones,

Several years ago, about this time of year, I was driving in my car when inspiration struck for THE Christmas Eve Sermon I just knew I had to preach. Since I was not able to stop and write down my (brilliant!) thoughts, I decided to text myself via voice text. "Hey Siri! Text me!", I called out. "What do you want to text to Me?", Siri replied. I began sharing my (brilliant!) thoughts on THE Christmas Eve Sermon I just knew I had to preach. I talked to Siri, texting myself, for a solid three minutes.

My (brilliant!) pondering was around the idea that we are each Mary, in the Christmas story. "YOU are Mary!", I voice-texted. "YOU are at the center of something new about to be born. YOU are giving birth to the Christ Child."

I went on. And on. Getting all of my thoughts out before I lost them. Yes, this would be THE Christmas Eve sermon; the one to inspire people everywhere. About 15 minutes later, having arrived at my destination, I received a new text alert. I thought it would be the marathon text I just sent to myself. It was not. It was one simple sentence in response to my marathon text from a few minutes earlier:

I think you have the wrong number.

I have no idea who I texted that day. All I know is some poor unsuspecting soul was just going about their day when suddenly they received the longest text in the world, proclaiming "YOU are giving birth to the Christ Child!" I am so sorry, poor, unsuspecting stranger.

I did not, as it turned out, preach THE Christmas Eve sermon that year. I couldn't do it without laughing. But this Advent, I bring the question to you. Perhaps we are not all Mary. But we are with her, every year at this time. Preparing, waiting, for new Light and new Hope to be born once again into a tired and hurting world. What role do you play this year, in ushering in all that can be? What is your role in the kingdom of God, waiting to be born? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to text me. ;)


December 9, 2022


November 18, 2022