November 18, 2022

When I walked into the Sanctuary last Sunday morning before the 8:30 service, the Altar Guild team was already there. As I entered, they called out, "Nothing to see here!" and "Don't worry, it's all under control!" Then one of the team walked by with a bucket. I had no idea what was going on, but their laughter was contagious. And there is nothing like laughing your head off with fellow Saint Annians while getting ready for church at 8 AM.

  • When it was discovered quite last minute before a service last week that there was no bread for communion, a community member didn't hesitate for a second, but zipped out to the store. When she returned with bread a few minutes before the service started, the story of how she actual secured the bread seemed divinely inspired.

  • When the dishwashers were full following our beloved Hadley's funeral last week, still-to-be-cleaned dishes were left in the sink, with the intention by the luncheon team leader to return the next day and finish up. Upon returning to church the next day, the team leader found the dishes had been done by a mystery dish washer.

  • For the last few weeks, I've noticed that the rainbow hearts on our front lawn near the highway have been falling down. I've been thinking I should fix them, but hadn't actually done anything about it yet. Today when I got to church I noticed the hearts are all lined up again. Thank you heart-fixer, whoever you are!

These are just a few of the beautiful things that have unfolded in the last week. The Saint Anne's community is incredibly special and even though we havea whole weekbefore Thanksgiving, I see no reason to wait to say how thankful I am for our expression of the Body of Christ in the world.

My prayer for you this week is that you feel the love of the community that surrounds you. To find laughter in the mess, and divine timing at the grocery store. To remember that you are never alone and angels walk among us.


December 2, 2022


November 11, 2022