December 9, 2022

One of our readings for this coming Sunday is from Isaiah. It's a beautiful passage, describing in joy-full terms what it will look (and feel and sound) like here on Earth when the kingdom of God reigns. When Love is finally at the center of all we do, Peace falls like rain, and Joy blooms like spring fields. There is a line in the Psalm about this beautiful, vibrant, new world that has captured my imagination all week: 

A highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Holy Way

I'm not sure what it is about that imagery - maybe the part of me that loves road trips -  but it draws me in and thrills me. So open and wild and free. An adventure! At the same time, so welcoming, sure, and delightful. A comfortably familiar passage. A road where the final destination remains the same, but the journey itself is a winding, sacred path, leading in and out, up and down, here and there. Surprises around every corner, brining you to a place you've always known.

Wherever this highway is, count me in.  Wanna come?


December 16, 2022


December 2, 2022