September 9, 2022

The end of summer has been busy behind the scenes at Saint Anne's, as your staff, Wardens, Vestry, are looking ahead to fall and finally the ability to gather in person in all of our various capacities. We're planning a Ministry Fair, freshening up our Confirmation and Children & Youth programs and our Choir program, planning Peace & Justice projects, considering Adult Ed topics, and starting to look toward our 2023 Pledge Drive. The emails have been flying, the phone is chirping non-stop, and buzz is in the air. It's exciting to daydream and then to make those dreams realities.

And meanwhile, the world continues to spin in the here and now. Kids are going back to school. Queen Elizabeth, the titular head of the Church of England, has gone on to greater glory. The 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is this Sunday. We in Minnesota are staring to notice the beginnings of fall leaves and earlier sunsets.

Even as we look to what's next with anticipation, we are reminded to mark and honor the passing of time. We are reminded that the life we are given is precious - and not promised. A life of faith involves looking toward the future with a vision, and each day we are given is meant to be savored.

My prayer for you this week is to find one thing to plan for with joy, and one thing to take in slowly and with gratitude, in the here and now. Both are holy.


September 16, 2022


August 19, 2022