September 16, 2022

I spent a few days camping in the woods this week. We were only an hour from the Twin Cities, but the early fall sun was warm during the day, the nights were perfectly cool for sleeping, the bugs were minimal this time of year, deer came around to visit often, and there were were whole stretches of time where nothing could be heard but the wind in the trees. It was calming and centering and just what I needed.

Driving back into the Twin Cities was jarring. Traffic and honking. Police sirens. Heartbreaking and disturbing stories on the news about migrant families being moved around as if they were political pawns and not real people. And back at home, the to-do list was still waiting!

It's easy to just wish I could go back to the woods. Deer make lovely neighbors and the wind in the trees is much more pleasant than the news on the radio. But the reality and truth is that we live in both worlds: the calming beauty around us, and the messiness, and sometimes heartbreak, that comes hand in hand with the joy and energy of living in community with one another. The truth is, it probably takes a little of both to most deeply live into both.

Jesus went off by himself sometimes - but he always came back. My prayer for you this week is to find balance where you need it. Wind in the trees when you need some calm, and some energy and joy to be found in the returning. Even if it is a bit jarring!


September 30, 2022


September 9, 2022