March 31, 2023

Theologian Richard Rohr writes this about Holy Week: Holy Week, a week when we are invited to practice the most basic and most sacred rhythm of the spiritual life: the rhythm of death, burial, and resurrection. The Paschal mystery. It is not a rhythm that any of us would willingly choose or even know how to choose; it is usually thrust upon us. Even Jesus admitted to having mixed feelings about the inevitability of it all. Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say—”Father, save me from this hour?”  (John 12:27)

I know (I know!) that Holy Week is a lot of church; a lot to balance with everything else we all have going on. And yet, this is our story. I invite you deeply into it.

There is nothing like being in community as we practice this "most sacred rhythm" of our common life; I invite you to come to the offerings as services we have in-person as you're able. In addition, though, on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, you'll receive emails with readings and other ways to enter the story at home.

And finally, my most surprising Holy Week practice from last year: Holy Week Texts from Try Tank, an Episcopal "experimental lab". During Holy Week, Try Tank sends texts as "Breaking News" updates such as "JUST IN. Jesus arrives at the house of Simon the leper in Bethany and is anointed with a costly jar of oil." These little pop ups throughout the week last year brought the story to life in a new way. You can stop the texts at any time, and Try Tank never makes contact during the rest of the near, nor shares phone numbers. Text EASTER to 833.629.1076 to give it a try! (Pun intended, feel free to throw tomatoes.)

This is our story. The struggle and the joy. It is a blessing to share it all with you. We'll begin with our celebration of Palm Sunday this week. 🌴


April 14, 2023


March 24, 2023