March 24, 2023

It's happening! New life, where just a short time ago, we saw only ice and snow. Right outside our own church doors, it's happening!

It feels like a surprise and a miracle every single year to see those first tender greens come up. Of course this new life has been waiting to burst forth, all along. We knew it was was there, under the deep snow, through all of those long winter nights. But for some reason, I almost forget, every year, that this miracle will come. I almost forget, every year, how it feels to see this miracle unfold. 

It's easy, I suppose, when we're in the middle of any cold and shadowed season - whether meteorological or metaphorical - to allow ourselves to get buried in the - meteorological or metaphorical - ice and snow. To forget what true warmth feels like, even when we know intellectually that there is something new waiting for its time to burst forth. It's difficult, sometimes, to remember the miracle will always be coming.

My prayer for you this week is to know, as a truth kept deep in your heart, that there are miracles waiting under whatever ice and snow you find yourself in. And to know, as a truth kept deep in your heart, that these miracles will burst forth. My prayer for you this week, and always, is to see these miracles above, beneath, and all around you.


March 31, 2023


March 17, 2023