June 30, 2023

I saw this graphic this week, and it made me smile. Immediately it made me think of the Peace & Justice meeting from last week, and all of the good this team of amazing people are doing quietly and behind the scenes. It then made me think of Saint Anne's Treasurer, Jeff Holland, and our Finance team, and all the good they do, quietly and behind the scenes. From there, I thought of our bread bakers (did you know know a team of people bake communion bread for each week's services?!) and Nancy, Karen, and the fantastic Altar Guild team.

It made me think of RaeKell and all she does for our kids, and then of our Jenny and Corinne, our Vestry liaisons for Children & Youth and the things they are planning behind the scenes. If we're talking about people who do things for children, Ramona has volunteered as our nursery helper for months and months, and speaking of behind the scenes, there's Carolyn, who has taken over behind the camera for our livestream services while Chris is away on paternity leave, and Andy who has wired us for sound with a professional touch. As I was in my office at church, thinking these happy thoughts about all of these amazing people, and feeling grateful, I looked out the window to see Dennis mowing the lawn, part of a team of volunteers that Jeff Hvass, who volunteers an incredible amount of time and energy himself, has gathered together for the summer. For yet more behind the scenes stuff...if you're reading this on Saint Anne's website, that's all thanks to Jon and the way he quietly and faithfully uploads these notes of mine each week.

There is danger in naming names, because there are so many who do so much. Our wardens and entire Vestry. Our Pastoral Care team. The Knitters. Barb, and the way she manages our birthday card ministry. Sandy, and her Funeral Care ministry. Patty and the Columbarium team. Doug and Denny, our Usher A Team. The Solar Committee. Our Bible Study group who gathers to break open Scripture together, and is so much more. Our Acolytes and Vergers and Readers. Those who send me kind emails and notes of support that always show up at just the right moment. There are those who are showing up for West St. Paul Pride next Saturday to share some love and joy with others, and those who come on Sunday mornings asking, "What can I do?", or just come with a smile and a warm greeting for everyone.

And of course, there is Tony and Naomi, who share their gifts so generously. And Kathy in the office, who keeps us all on track with... everything!

My prayer for you this week is that you know how important you are. That you know what a difference you make as you show up as Christ's hands and feet in the world. My prayer is that you know your God is so delighted with you, as you wander around, making the world a better place in all the ways you do. 


July 7, 2023


June 23, 2023