June 23, 2023

I have been marveling at the light this week. It's been not-quite-dark even just before 10PM, and I can't stop contemplating how different life feels when we have five more hours of sunlight. Things feel easier, more simple, more doable. There's more time for an evening walk and an after-dinner errand doesn't feel like a dreaded chore. And when dusk does fall, the fireflies come out to play, and the frogs and crickets fill the air with song. I'm sure that by the time fall arrives, I just might be ready for a little more quiet and a little more rest. But not yet! First, I will enjoy the long days.

It's also time for my annual confession: I love the heat. I even love the humidity. On days like we've had lately, I am outside as much as possible, basking in the glory of the extremeness that our weather takes here in Minnesota. I know, I know. I usually keep this close to the vest. I know this weather is difficult for some people, and I don't like to think about anyone struggling or extremely uncomfortable. But I am quietly delighting in the burst of lush green and golden heat that is God's beautiful summer.

My prayer for you this week is to take in the particular blessings of each day, each season, and each place your find yourself in life. My prayer for you this week is to be able find some delight in all the sometimes-not-so-subtle ways the Divine is revealed to us. Even if you need to do it from an air conditioned room. :)


June 30, 2023


June 16, 2023