December 8, 2023

How is the waiting going? Have you been able to sink yourself deep into the Advent message getting quiet and allowing yourself to be nurtured in the darkness, like a seed waiting underground? Have you been lighting your candles, settling in, and taking time to just BE?

I have been a pretty serious failure at that this week. Well, I'm good at the lighting candles part - I practice hygge and make sure to light candles at sunset every evening during the dark winter months - but other than that, I'm doing a poor job of just letting the flurry of life go around me for these few precious weeks. I am longing for the quiet Advent hush, though, and I know the plea Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence includes me too. I also know making time for our souls to take rest is holy.

Prepare the way! John the Baptist will remind us this Sunday. I vow to do better in the weeks to come. May it be so.

My prayer for you this week is to be better at Advent than me! And my prayer for you this week is to know that whether you are feeling the peace of this season or not, whether you are lighting candles or not, whether you are ok right now or not ok right now, you are loved beyond measure and new light will come.


December 15, 2023


December 1, 2023