December 15, 2023

Angels and shepherds and soldiers, oh my!

That's right, this Sunday is Saint Anne's annual Christmas pageant and I can't wait. After an hour+ of rehearsal last Saturday morning, one of the pageanteers approached RaeKell with concern and said, "I think we're going to need more practice." Though RaeKell and I both noticed the... spirited!.... atmosphere at the rehearsal, we assured our participant that the pageant will be amazing. It always is, and those little quirks that pop up only make it better.

I did value the concern, though. This pageant performer understands the importance of story and good story-telling. Just like the Gospel writers. And just like you. What, you say you don't fit that category? Well, quick, think of a favorite Christmas decoration in your home and why is it a favorite. Chances are it's not the object itself, but the story that goes with it. Maybe it was made by your grandmother, or your child(ren)? I have both of those as favorites at my house. Maybe your favorite is a gift from someone you love, and it makes you think of them. Maybe it holds a treasured memory from a vacation or from a Christmas gone by.

Shared stories are at the heart of any culture or community. Storytelling is how cultural and religious knowledge and traditions are passed down. Stories create a community out of a group of people. And the amazing thing about the really good stories is that there is always something new to discover about them. The Christmas story is one of those. Just wait until Pageant Sunday, you'll see!

My prayer for you this week is the chance to immerse yourself in our shared stories of Advent and (almost) Christmas. My prayer is time to read, or listen or watch something that draws you more deeply into the impossible, messy, mystical story of Emmanuel: God with us. My prayer for you this week is that the familiar story feels like a warm blanket around your shoulders - but that it also has you looking up at the stars with new thoughts in your head and new dreams in your heart.


December 22, 2023


December 8, 2023