April 28, 2023

Sometimes the privilege of walking through this life with each of you as we celebrate joys together, manage sorrows together, share life stories, ask questions, wonder, and seek the Divine together... sometimes the privileges of this life together are enough to stop me in my tracks. It's all I can do to give thanks and hold back grateful tears. This was one of those weeks. There were joys and sorrows. There were some late nights and some early mornings, there were two funerals in my wider world, and another one today, and there are two weddings in the works. There was a beautiful Bible Study gathering. There were phone meetings and Zoom meetings and in-person meetings. There were a whole bunch of emails and, please forgive me, I imagine some I missed as well. There was paperwork and calendar-setting, there were frustrations and celebrations, and twice when I arrived at church there were deer in the outdoor chapel. It is all such a great privilege and sometimes my heart overflows with the wonder of it all. 

My prayer for you this week is that some heart-overflowing-with-gratitude moments, big or small, find you. My prayer is for the wonder of the world, its joys and sorrows, to give you a peek into heart of the Divine.


May 5, 2023


April 21, 2023