October 28, 2022

Your 2022 ECMN Delegates - Emilie Rexeisen and Joan Stovall - and Bob Furniss and I are at the ECMN Convention in Rochester this weekend, along with other Minnesota Episcopalians from near and far. We are connecting with old friends, meeting new ones, and engaging in and with the business and mission of the church. This is the first in-person ECMN Convention in three years.

One announcement that will be made at Convention is something I want to share with all of you: the Bishop will be appointing me as Vice-President of the ECMN Council for the next year, with the possibility of serving for up to three years. He invited me to consider accepting this role several months ago, and after prayer and discussion with the wardens (and my husband!) I said yes. The ECMN Council is somewhat like the Vestry of the ECMN. The Bishop is Council President and I will work with him in supporting the Council in the good work they do on behalf of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. (This will in no way affect or take from my commitment to Saint Anne's.)

One reason I said yes is that I am inspired by the vision Bishop Loya has set forth for the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. The ECMN identity statement is: "We are one church in 104 locations, bound together by our commitment to follow the Way of Jesus, joining God in God’s project to heal the whole world with love." As for how we accomplish this, Bishop Loya encourages 4 approaches: 1. Discipleship: living into the teachings of Jesus as best we can. 2. Faithful Innovation: joining the Spirit in new ways to live out the Gospel. 3. Justice: becoming Beloved Community. 4. Congregational Vitality: thriving faith communities of all sizes in all places.

Over the course of the coming year, I hope to dig more deeply with you into some of these practices. I'd love to hear your ideas.

My prayer for you today is that you are able to appreciate the deep roots we have as Episcopalians. Our connections near and far to people from all different walks of life, including those who have gone before us, support us in sacred ways. We are better together, thanks be to God.


November 4, 2022


October 21, 2022