October 13, 2023

Yesterday, I posted on Instagram an image of my home altar: a wooden table hand made for me by my uncle, on which sits images of Jesus (specifically Jesus the Healer), Mary the Mother (the protector from dangers), Archangel Rafael (known for healing and protection), a Citrine angel, a chalice, a cross, some rocks from Lake Superior, shells from ocean beaches, mementos of loved ones who have died. Incense. Candles. Along wth the photo I posted, I invited anyone who felt moved to do so to send me a prayer request. I received many, from all different people. Some requests came from people I know well, and some from people I don't. Some of those people are religious, and some are not.

Most of the prayer requests I received were, in some form or another, prayers for peace. The lack of peace in the world weighs heavily on our spirits and souls right now. The deep longing for it aches in our hearts. I think we pray so fervently for peace because we know peace is so sacred that it must come from a source bigger than any of us. As the prayer requests came in, I lit candles at the altar and prayed every one.

Peace is my prayer for you this week as well. It is my prayer for our communities, for our world. This week and always: peace, peace, peace. Lord, have mercy. Let there be peace.


October 20, 2023


October 6, 2023