May 17, 2024

My daughter and I have decided it is time to befriend the crows that frequent the tall maple trees in our yard. For years a group of 8-10 crows  - or perhaps a rotating group of 8 to 10 crows? - has been hanging around our trees, often cawing loudly from above as we come and go. Knowing how smart crows are, and how they seem to have feelings about people, we've been a little intimidated by them for quite some time, but we've decided to change that, and have been reading up on how to make friends with them.

According to crow experts, here's what it takes:

  • Find and offer food that they seem to like. This is apparently trial and error, as different crows like different foods. We're to determine what they like by spreading options on the ground under their trees and observing. 

  • Give them space. Crows don't like to be stared at. (Which makes #1 a little tricky, but we'll do our best.)

  • Be dependable and respectful. Once we determine what they like, we'll offer them treats on a regular schedule, in a calm and gentle manner.  

  • Whistle. Whistling when we give them treats draws their attention, and we're told it means they'll come to associate that sound with us in a positive way. My daughter can't whistle (despite a lifetime of trying!) so I guess this one is all on me.

  • Be patient. It will take time for crows to trust us.

It occurs to me that this is generally good advice for getting to know anyone, crow or human. (Maybe minus the whistling.) It also feels a lot like the way God shows up for us. Dependable and respectful. Giving us space to do our own thing in the world. At the same time, offering signs of a Divine presence that we can pick up on, if we're paying attention. Patience with us - so much patience. Presenting us with a whole world full of food options!

My prayer for you this week is for you to feel the presence of God, patiently and carefully trying to become your friend.


May 31, 2024


May 3, 2024