March 8, 2024

I continue to peek in on Jackie and Shadow for a few minutes each day. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, exactly. Let's call it engaged. Invested. Let's just say these two eagles are occupying some of my emotional energy and some space in my heart.

Here's the thing. We're nearing the window for Bald Eagle egg incubation and there is not, as of this writing, signs of hatching yet. The weather in Big Bear Valley has been harsh, and for the last few days when I peek in on these eagle parents in the morning they are covered in snow. These eggs may not hatch.

Scripture tells us that worrying will not add one day to our lives. I know that my worry for Jackie and Shadow's three eggs will not change one thing about whether these eggs are meant to hatch or not. I am also one who struggles with this beautiful advice from Scripture. I can't help but worry about those I love most dearly: my family and friends, Saint Annians, and now I've somehow added Jackie and Shadow to this list.

Leaving things in God's hands is especially difficult for me when hearts and potential heartbreak are on the line.

My prayer for you this week is to love with your whole heart, and to leave the rest to God. My prayer is for you to find that oasis of God's peace in the middle of any deserts of worry you might be wandering. My prayer for all of us this Lent is to sink more and more deeply into the peace that passes all understanding, no matter the circumstance.


March 15, 2024


March 1, 2024