June 9, 2023

On the first day of school last fall, those starting their senior year at my son Nolan's high school gathered in the school parking lot early in the morning for "Senior Sunrise": a tradition which consists of watching the sun come up together on the first day of their senior year. On the last day of school, this Class of 2023 gathered in the school parking lot for "Senior Sunset": allowing the tradition to come full circle as they watched, together, the sun set on their last day of school - and on their public school days.

The most beautiful thing about this tradition is that it is not a school-sponsored event. The kids plan it, spread the word, and show up for one another, because they know it matters. They understand at a core level, ritual offers us a container to hold some of the biggest emotional and spiritual experiences of our lives. Ritual guides us, reminds us of meaning, and connects us to community. It offers us a sense of belonging and common identity which transforms an individual feeling we might have into a communal one. Ritual can also offer us resilience in a difficult time.

The beauty of the Sunrise/Sunset tradition itself, as well as the grasp of ritual that these kids carry in their souls without needing to be taught, is enough to bring tears to my eyes. The sacredness of this small and simple ritual is stunning.

My prayer for you this week is that you are able to find sacredness in something simple and small, recognizing that even the smallest of things have the power to point us to the holiest of things. And to know in your core that the holy is all around us - from sunrise to sunset, and everything in between. Ours to make meaning of, wherever and whenever we can.


June 16, 2023


May 26, 2023