June 7, 2024

Our youngest son, Nolan, has a summer job at a local public park and if there's time in the evenings my husband and I go walk a few loops around the park and say hi to him. Last night was such a night.

There happened to be a baseball game in full swing at the park when we arrived. The players looked to be about seven or eight years old, and it was completely delightful to peek at them playing, as we made our park loops. Some plays were smooth, but more often they were hilariously haphazard. A catcher would miss a wild pitch and then try to stop a base steal, resulting in a series of missed catches and throws all over the field. An outfielder would field the ball and then throw it far over the infielders' heads. As balls were overthrown, one runner would run to a base where another baserunner was staying put. Coaches and parents tried to help shouting, "Throw to 2nd!" or, "Run! Run!" and the kids would turn in circles, oblivious to the coaching, a bit overwhelmed at trying to figure out their next move. 

Though it was sweet and fun to watch these emerging players, it also made me think about all of the balls - often curveballs - that are often thrown to each of us on any given day of our lives. Unlike the scene we witnessed at the park last night, these situations we encounter in life are not a game. There may be a stressful situation at work, financial struggles, strain with a loved one, worry about someone, unexpected results from the doctor, deep losses, or a phone call with news that changes everything. The various balls thrown to us on any given day can be difficult to field in body, mind, and spirit.

As I watched coaches and parents try to take both enthusiastic and gentle care of their young players, it occurred to me that we are being taken care of in life in much the same way. Our Trinity stands on our sidelines, offering us love, support. Cheering us on during the good times and offering us comfort when the going gets tough. Sometimes we are oblivious to the coaching we get, sometimes we are too overwhelmed to even hear it.

The curveballs that come our way can be difficult to manage, at times. There are times it feels they'll never stop coming. My prayer for you this week is to look and listen for your sideline care team. The love of the Divine, the healing hands of Jesus, and the breath of Spirit. The angels and ancestors that walk with us. They are there. Maybe we can't always see them, but my prayer is that you can at least feel their presence. Maybe we can't always hear their shouts, but my prayer that you can at least hear their whispers, so full of love for you.


June 21, 2024


May 31, 2024