June 28, 2024

My very favorite flower is the daisy and for at least the last ten years I have been trying to get daisies to grow in a prairie-garden area of my yard. Each spring I plant a few daisy plants in this area and each year they bloom beautifully all summer - and then never return. I only plant the varieties of daisies that are perennials in Minnesota so they should come back, and it always puzzles and disappoints me that they don't.  

Until this year!

For unknown reasons, this year the daisies are back and blooming like crazy. I've counted what looks to be at least 15 plants with countless blooms coming up right where I've been planting them for the last 10 years. Why this year? Who knows? Maybe some combination of a warm winter and wet spring. But the numbers I'm seeing must include more that just what I planted last year. Where have the missing daisies been all this time??

There's a sermon in here, but I can't quite wrap my mind around it, because the only thing I can do when I see these daisies is smile with delight and try not to overanalyze this happy gift.

My prayer for you this week is for an unexpected delight, straight from our Creator, to find you - against all logic and when you are least expecting it.


July 19, 2024


June 21, 2024