July 26, 2024

I always mis-remember summer as a time of slowing down. It may be that I'm remembering a different time. As Corinne Hamlin noted recently, she remembers easy-breezy summers from when she was a child, but now that she's in charge of the children it's a whole different story! 

Yes, it's been a bustling summer. We launched it in style with Pentecost, and then went into a wonderful week of Summer Stretch, the festive West St. Paul Parade, tried something new and exciting with 5th Sunday House Church Gatherings, and then decked out for West St. Paul Pride. A beautiful documentary about the first women priests in Minnesota - featuring Saint Anne's first rector and two Saint Anninas! - was filmed in part at Saint Anne's. As we strive to be a beneficial community resource, Rojas Spanish School, Rotary, and AA continue to gather regularly in our building. In trying to be good stewards of our beautiful grounds, we've installed a new roof, entered into work on our well, plumbing, and AC issues, engaged in ongoing work on installing solar, and done lots of gardening. We're working on updating our signage, and researching the possibility of starting a preschool on site. With thanks to so many who have jumped in with hands and hearts, Saint Anne's has been one hopping place this summer!

This Sunday we'll celebrate all of this, and all that makes Saint Anne's who we are, at our annual Saint Anne's Day Celebration. We'll share the story of our patron saint (you can read more about Anne below), during our liturgy, and we'll enjoy friendships old and new at the BBQ after that. It will be a day to bask in the warm spirit of our community

My prayer for you this week is to know that you are a valuable and important part of this community. That's right, I do mean you. We are who we are, because of each of you, the unique gifts you bring, and your willingness to share them so generously. We are who we are because you show up with your whole hearts. Your laughter and your tears, your joys and your vulnerabilities, all make Saint Anne's a place of hope, healing, learning, growth, peace, and joy. A slice of the kingdom of God. You all never fail to amaze and inspire me. Being in community with you is a great honor and a great joy. 

So come this Sunday. Bring a friend. Bring a side dish or a lawn game to share if you're able, and don't worry, if you can't. There is always enough. Because we're Saint Anne's. Let's celebrate!


August 2, 2024


July 19, 2024