July 1, 2022

I've mentioned before that Rumi, the13th-century Persian poet, theologian, and mystic, is often a source of wonder and inspiration for me. The way he shares his understanding of God feels to me like a door to an enchanted garden. This week, this long, winding, and wearing week, when I found myself very much in need of some enchanted garden time, I opened a book of Rumi poems and came across this simple, single, line:

“Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure.”

Where there is ruin, there is hope for treasure. My prayer for you this week is that amidst all of what feels like ruin in the world right now, your hope for treasure is not diminished. My prayer is that you are able to hold fast to the goodness of the world: the care and compassion of others, the care and compassion in your own heart, the beauty of a summer day, the joy of a child on a playground, the presence of the Divine all around us. My prayer for you this week is some time in a Divinely enchanted garden. Breathe deeply, and take your time.


July 15, 2022


June 17, 2022