January 6, 2023

Follow that star!

Where will it lead? Who's to say. Will the directions be clear? Not really. Are we sure it's safe? It is most definitely not "safe".

Follow that star!

I've been known to say this often, about whatever season we're entering, so feel free to laugh at...er... with me, but I think the Season of Epiphany might be my favorite. As the rest of the world has put everything related to all of the sacred holidays of this time on 90% clearance and moved on, we in the church are just beginning. During Epiphany, we remember that this is the start of our journey, not the end. We remember we are always being called closer to our great story; always being beckoned to that manger and everything it tells us about how to experience God here and now. And we're reminded that this great love story with God isn't just about us: all of creation, even the stars in the sky, are in it together! 

We don't know, exactly, what it will mean to draw ever closer to the light of Christ. We don't know what changes it will bring to continually try to step further toward it. Will it be challenging? Will we need to sacrifice? Quite likely. Will it change us? It should. And will it continue to shine brightly to guide our steps? It will, it will, it will. 

We'll celebrate Epiphany together at Saint Anne's tonight, January 6th, at 6:30 PM, by taking down the Christmas greens and then creating our own great light with a bonfire. We'll celebrate with Epiphany liturgies at 8:30 and 10:30 AM on Sunday. And please see below for a few ways to celebrate Epiphany at home, including the ancient ritual of chalking the door and inviting the blessings of this season into our homes at all times of year.

Follow that star!


January 20, 2023


December 23, 2022