January 19, 2024

You'll see below a new section of the Announcer this week, called Saint Annians in the Wild. It may be a section that comes and goes: to every thing there is a season. But for this week, it is here, and it is a celebration of us and all of the things Saint Annians do outside of church. It is also an invitation to get to know ourselves a little better. Many of us only see one another for a short time on Sunday mornings, and some weeks that might consist of a greeting, a passing of the peace, and a genuine but too brief, "How are you?" and "Stay warm!" as we head back out into the world.

Look below. Read up on what some of your fellow Saint Annians are up to. Marvel at the amazing people with whom we keep company. Ask them a few questions the next time you see them. Show up and cheer them on if you're able. And if you have something of your own to share, please tell me too, so I can put it in a future Saint Annians in the Wild.

My prayer for us this third week of Epiphany, the season of stars and journeys and new understandings, is the opportunity to learn something new and maybe surprising about one another. You are all pretty amazing people, made in the image of God and brimming with the light of Christ in all kind of spectacular ways. My prayer is for you is to let your light shine in every way, and in every place, you can.


January 26, 2024


January 5, 2024