August 5, 2022

It is too easy, once August comes around, to forget to live in the moment. Thoughts about earlier sunsets, tightening up routines and schedules, and wearing shoes other than flip-flops start creeping in. "It will be fall before we know it," we say to one another. Back-to-school sales have been going on for weeks. It's practically September, isn't it? Then we might as well start thinking about Halloween... Thanksgiving... And all too soon, we've blinked our time away.

But this week my husband and I met dear friends for dinner on a patio and as we all toasted (with our drinks, not in the sun, though it was 88 degrees and sunny on that patio!), my friend said, "Happy Summer!" It struck me right away that she spoke in the present tense. Not "Farewell Summer", not "It was a good summer", but Happy Summer. Here and now.

My friend's toast pulled me into the present. There are weeks left of another glorious Minnesota summer, with its bursts of colorful prairie flowers everywhere and lakeside parks that just beg for someone to sit down with a picnic blanket and a full basket. There is evidence of the Creator's hand everywhere you look. Here and now is all we really have, and here and now should be enjoyed.

My prayer for you this week is for slow moments. Time to soak it all in. Time to be in the here and now. My prayer is for time for your heart to beat in rhythm with the ripples on the lake, and for you to see Spirit dancing in the shimmering water. My prayer is for August to linger, so that we can too, right here and right now.


August 12, 2022


July 29, 2022