April 5, 2024

One of my favorite professors in seminary used to say, "It takes a village to raise Jesus". He was referring to the stories of Scripture and just how many people saw and shared the news about the risen Christ before the beginnings of Christianity became a movement. I, however, now think of this catch-phrase every Holy Week. It takes all of us, walking Holy Week together, to make it what it is.

Logistically, there is organizing, setting up and taking down various liturgy settings, readers, musicians, bulletin-creators, bread-bakers, fire-makers, skit-presenters, Altar Guild magic-workers, treat-bringers, hospitality-sharers, dish-washers, egg-hiders, flower-donators, acolytes, vergers, service-leaders, preachers, ushers, counters, and, of course, service-attenders...do not underestimate that role! 

It also takes a village to enter Holy Week spiritually. Our faith is grounded in community, and we are richer when we are together. The journey is more fully appreciated when it is shared. 

One of my colleagues refers to the week after Easter as "Clergy Recovery Week". That definitely fits: Holy Week is a marathon done at sprint pace. AND I loved sharing this year's Lenten and Holy Week journey with each of you; it was one of my favorite Holy Weeks ever. Thank you for participating so fully - with your time, your energy, your presence, and most of all your hearts - and for sharing the journey. If it takes a village to raise Jesus, then we need not have any doubts.

My prayer for all of us this week is to see the risen Christ in and among our village.


April 12, 2024


March 22, 2024