April 27, 2024

Due to circumstances beyond my control (within my husband's control, but apparently beyond mine) we are currently a household with five cars (some of which belong to our children and a few of which actually run!) and a small vintage camper, all vying for space in our two car garage and narrow driveway. This means we play the Can You Please Move Your Car I Need To Leave game daily.

Last night after dinner we noted the cars were not in optimal Morning Routine positions and decided to move them right then. Our two dogs, Maude and Roger, saw me grab my car keys and got very excited. Because I'm a softy for their little puppy-dog eyes, I invited them to come with me - all the way down the driveway and into the street for about 30 seconds until I pulled back in after William moved his car.

You would have thought I invited them to Doggie Disneyland. After looking at me in disbelief and getting the go-ahead, they sprinted down the driveway, detoured into the lawn to run a few excited circles, and then hopped into the car. They found their usual places (Maude in the passenger seat, Roger on the console between the seats) and looked out the window expectantly, tongues out and tails wagging.

It always strikes me that when the dogs come into the car with me they have no idea where we're going or how long the journey might be. Sometimes it's to the trails by the river, sometimes it's to the vet. Sometimes it's a 30+ hour road trip to visit our California family, sometimes it's 30 seconds in and out of the driveway. They are just as eager every time. They are just as content after each trip - even one just down the driveway.

It strikes me that God invites to hop into the car every day. We have no idea where Spirit might lead, or how the Way of Love might guide us, we're just issued the invitation. We could choose to say no. No thank you, God, I choose not to ride today. I choose not to follow Spirit's lead or led Love be my guide. Not today. Or... we could hop in, find our place, and look out the window.

My prayer for you this week is to say yes, and see where the journey takes you. My prayer this week is that you find some joys, large or small, on your road trip with God.


May 3, 2024


April 19, 2024