April 1, 2022

Saint Anne's Creation Care Team has some exciting plans to share!

In support of the highly endangered Whippledee bird, Saint Anne's roof will be painted pink this summer. As most know, the Whippledee was discovered by Bishop Whipple and is a special bird to Minnesota Episcopalians. The Whippledee migrates through Minnesota only once every-other decade, and its natural nesting habitat, fields of pink flowers, once abundant, are now as rare as the bird herself. But the Whippledee Society of Minnesota has discovered that roofs painted pink also serve the Whippledee and has asked that all who are able provide habitat for this rarest of all of God's creatures. Saint Anne's Creation Care Team is honored to comply. The attached photo is a mock-up of what we can expect the church to look like this summer. We will be holding a dance-a-thon fundraiser to support this effort. Stay tuned for details.

For more information, click here


Palm Sunday


March 25, 2022