Saint Anne’s Is…

  • Intergenerational

    Adults and children and teenagers know each other and are involved together in worship, outreach, learning and fellowship.

  • Progressive

    We are not afraid to ask questions, or to think about different interpretations of scripture. We enjoy trying different expressions in prayer and music, and also embrace the traditions of the Episcopal Church.

  • Inclusive

    All people, without exception, are welcome and fully included in membership and leadership, according to their abilities and spiritual gifts.

  • Joyful

    We enjoy laughing, eating, celebrating, dancing, singing.

  • Loving and Caring

    Meals and prayers and rides and assistance of all kinds helps make the challenges and crises of life easier to manage.

  • Hopeful

    God is at work in our world, in us and through us, to bring peace and justice. We are the loving arms of Christ, to each other and to the world that God loves so much.


Our Staff

  • Jennifer McNally

    Priest In Partnership

  • Kathy Goldenstein

    Office administrator

  • Tony Sofie
