We are called to be Christ’s loving arms in the world


8:30 AM: Contemporary worship service, piano music, 45-50 minutes long. With Eucharist.

10:30 AM: More traditional BCP worship service, piano and organ music, plus choir. Approx. 60 minutes long. With Eucharist.

The 10:30 service will be lbroadcast via livestream right here

From the announcer


Here are some upcoming Saint Anne's events you'll want to keep on your calendars:

  • February 8th: Vestry Retreat

  • February 9th: Second Sunday

  • March 5th: Ash Wednesday


Saint Anne’s will be offering a 10-week course (from Canterbury Press, London, 2022) called Being With. This unique course exploring Christian faith and life will meet from 11:30-1:00 (light food provided) for ten consecutive Sundays, beginning in mid-January. We will follow the course themes and 90-minute structure in a group of ten to twelve. Group members will be participants as well as course reviewers—and hopefully leadership “seeds” for future groups!