We are called to be Christ’s loving arms in the world


8:30 AM: Contemporary worship service, piano music, 45-50 minutes long. With Eucharist.

10:30 AM: More traditional BCP worship service, piano and organ music, plus choir. Approx. 60 minutes long. With Eucharist.

The 10:30 service will be lbroadcast via livestream right here

Lent 2025

Ash Wednesday. March 5: Noon (Traditional) & 5:30 PM (Family) Or come for just ashes between 6:30 - 7:30.PM

Lenten Wednesdays.

March 12-April 9

5:45 Soup Supper / 6:15 Clean Up

6:30 - 7:15 Gatherings for all ages

7:15 - 7:30 Holden Evening Prayer

Palm Sunday. April 13

Holy Week. April 14-April 19.

Maundy Thursday. April 17. 5-7 PM

Good Friday. April 18. Noon & 7 PM

Easter Vigil. April 19. 7 PM

Easter Morning! April 20.10:30 AM.

From the announcer


Here are some upcoming Saint Anne's events you'll want to keep on your calendars:

  • March 5th: Ash Wednesday

  • March 9th: Second Sunday

  • March 12th: Lenten Wednesdays begin


"Lenten Wednesday Gatherings" are a Saint Anne's tradition. After sharing a simple meal together, there are educational / social gatherings for those who wish to stay. This year we have two gatherings planned so far, one for adults and one for kids & teens. (There may be another adult offering to come, stay tuned.)

Here is your sneak peak of our current two offerings:

How We Learn to Be Brave (For adults and teens who are interested.)

When her sermon at the National Prayer Service went viral, so did the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde's book, How We Learn to Be Brave. Join fellow Saint Annians in a group read of this book, with discussion led by the Rev. Bob Furniss.

NOTE: This book is difficult to come by right now, so if you plan to order a hard copy for Lenten Wednesdays, now is the time. Some availability can be found via the following links: Barnes & Noble, Penguin RandomHouse. You can also check your favorite bookseller or request from your library. If you have an E-reader, the book is available immediately on ebook sites everywhere. Here it is through St. Mark's Cathedral Bookstore. If you would like support in purchasing a book, please do not hesistate to talk to Jennifer.

Lessons from Wicked (For kids and teens)

Want to learn to defy gravity? Let's do it together! Wicked, the popular books that became a sensational Broadway musical that became a movie hit is coming to Saint Anne's Education Wing on Lenten Wednesdays. Or at least the lessons Wicked teaches are coming. These include: not rushing to judgement about others, honoring differences, seeing the gifts others bring, standing up for the vulnerable in society, remembering you are worthy of respect, dignity, and safety, no matter what. All of that, along with the soundtrack and crafts and games, on Wednesday nights during Lent!