We are called to be Christ’s loving arms in the world
The early church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and some modern Christian churches of various denominations, including Episcopal, celebrate a seven-week season of Advent each year. The 7 weeks are based on what are called the O Antiphons, a series of prayers which invite us to explore expanded imagery of God as we observe Advent slowly and intentionally. With permission from Bishop Loya, Saint Anne's will return to ancient roots and celebrate a 7-week Advent Season this year.
This week the O Antiphons refer to Jesus as O Emmanuel. Emmanuel means "God with us". Naming Jesus as God with us indicates that Christians believe it was especially through Jesus that God is present to humanity: with us in our day to day living, with all its struggles and joys.
10:30 AM: More traditional worship service, mix of piano and organ. Choir. Approximately 60 minutes long. With Eucharist.
The 10:30 service will be broadcast via livestream right here.
From the announcer
Here are some upcoming Saint Anne's events you'll want to keep on your calendars:
December 20: Winter Solstice Service & Bonfire 7 PM
December 22: Christmas Pageant; Caroling at Southview Acres
December 24: Christmas Eve, 4:30 PM
December 25: Christmas Morning, 10:30 AM
December 29: Lessons & Carols (one service, 10:30)
December 22 and 29: Adult Education will be on break.
Coming in January! Saint Anne’s will be offering a 10-week course (from Canterbury Press, London, 2022) called Being With. This unique course exploring Christian faith and life will meet from 11:30-1:00 (light food provided) for ten consecutive Sundays, beginning in mid-January. We will follow the course themes and 90-minute structure in a group of ten to twelve. Group members will be participants as well as course reviewers—and hopefully leadership “seeds” for future groups! More information will be shared in December.